Chess Guideline Step by Step

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The Pirc Defense

The Pirc Defense, named after the Slovenian Grandmaster Vasja Pirc, is a hypermodern chess opening...

Caro-Kann Defense

The Caro-Kann Defense is strong & resilient chess opening, known for its strategic depth and...

The French Defense

The French Defense is a popular chess opening technique used for the Black side. This method is...

The Sicilian Defense: A Strategic Chess Masterpiece

The Sicilian Defense is an extremely popular and deeply studied chess opening. It arises after 1.e4...

The Italian Game

The  Italian Game is a very old chess opening. And also the most popular chess openings for new...

Chess Middlegame (How to play chess middlegame?)

Here we will discuss the middle part of the chess game. The middle game creates a board position...

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Pawn promotion

We know that pawns can only move forward, not sideways or backwards. If not blocked by a pawn or piece...

Rules for game draw or tie

Stalemate: If there is a stalemate, the game is a draw – at some point in the game, a side’s...

A draw in chess

A three-way chess game can lead to a draw. They are discussed below. Stalemate If a situation occurs in the...

What is Chess?

Garry Kimovich Kasparov. The best grandmasters in the world. Former world champion. Kasparov was number one in the ranking for...

Chess Born from a fun math puzzle

Long ago there was a wise man in a land. His name is Chisa. One day he discovered a new...

World’s Youngest Grandmaster

Abhimanyu Mishra How much does a two-year-old child understand? Half-talking, stumbling while running, learning a little—this is how most children...

Good Chess Strategy

Development: Develop your pieces (Knights, Bishops, Rooks and the Queen) as fast as possible. First, develop your minor pieces (Knight...

Some Alekhine’s Defensive Opening Traps

Alekhine’s Defensive has been analysed since the early 19th century but was not popularised until Alexander Alekhine (1892-1946), the old...

How to become a good chess player

  No matter what level you are at in chess, you can always do better. And with the right habits...
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