The Rook attacks and moves vertically or horizontally in a straight line. The rook cannot jump over any other piece. It can move as many empty squares as it gets. Can capture the first piece on the way.
The bishop moves and attacks diagonally. So the bishop must stay in the same color as the square in the beginning. He can never move to a square of another colour. On the chessboard, two bishops are placed on squares of two colours at the beginning. So the bishop of the light square should always be played on the light square and the bishop of the dark square should always be played on the dark square. Colour control is very important in chess. And these bishops play a special role in colour control and diagonal control. It should be remembered that the opponent’s colour on the chessboard is weak, if you can keep the bishop of the square of that colour, it will help you to attack a lot.
Bishop is a very strong piece in an open position. But the bishop is a bit weak piece in a close position.
But the Bishop cannot jump over any piece.
A queen is a combination of a bishop and a rook. It can run diagonally like Bishop and straight like Rook. The queen can attack many places of the opponent at the same time, so it is the most powerful piece. But it cannot jump over any piece.
Knight L moves like a chef. It moves two squares straight to the right, left, front, and back and sits on the square to its right or left. A move in this system is called a two-and-a-half-square move. The knight is the only piece which can move by jumping over another piece. This is the special feature of this piece. The squares the Knight can move to and capture any of the opponent’s pieces if they are there. Each side has two knights on the chessboard. Knight is usually very useful in close and critical positions. The knight is a bit weak piece in the open position.
The King can move from his position to any of the squares around him (right, left, front, back or diagonally). Can only move two squares during casting time. The king can give this move only once per game. King is the most important piece in chess but is very weak.
The king can only move the square where the opponent’s piece or pieces are not attacked. It cannot jump to another piece. When one side’s pieces attack the other side’s king, it is called a check. Then if the king cannot survive that check it is called checkmate. The player whose king is checkmate then loses the game of chess. Therefore, the aim of playing chess is to save one’s own king and to checkmate the opponent’s king.
The pawn moves one square forward and can capture diagonally one square forward. But each pawn can move two squares forward from the starting position. A pawn has a special ability when it moves to the last square. It is called pawn promotion. If a pawn is promoted then he can make any piece except king and pawn with that pawn.