Chess Guideline Step by Step


To manage the game well, the king needs to be kept safe. A special move can be made to ensure the king’s safety. This trick is called kasling or fort building. This move is explained below.

As we know so far in normal conditions the king can win only one square on any side. Only one square can be moved in a move. There is one exception to this rule. Only once in a game can a special move with King and Rook be made for this. In this move, the king moves two squares to the right or left side of the board, either side and the Rook on the side the king moves to crosses the king and sits next to the king. The purpose of the castling is to move the king to one side of the board to ensure the safety of the king and to counter the opponent’s attack. The casting move is illustrated in the figure below.

If the king will castle is to the right side (kingside or short side) of the chess board, he will go to the green square, if the king will castle is to the left side (queenside or long side) of the board, he will go to the red square.

The possible moves of the rook after casting are indicated by yellow arrows.

After Kasling:

Right side or kingside or short castling (boat moves only two squares)

To the left or towards the queen queenside or the long castling

Several conditions must be met for the successful application of the Kasling move:

Terms of Casting:

  1. Castling cannot be done if the king is ever moved.
  2. Castling can never be done on the side on which the rook was moved.
  3. Castling cannot be done while the King is in check.
  4. Castling cannot be cast if either King or Rook attacks after castling.

Here are some examples to illustrate how to apply the rule:

Here white cannot castle, because the king has an attack (red arrow); Black cannot castle because after castling the king will be attacked by the queen (yellow arrow).

White will not be able to castle, because after casting white rook will be in an attack of the black rook. Black can castle here.

Here white can castle queenside or alongside. but white cannot castle kingside. And black cannot do castle any side now.

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