Chess Guideline Step by Step

Special Moves in Chess

There are 3 special moves in the chess game. 1) En-passant  2) Pawn Promotion 3) Castling.

  • En-passant

 A special move with the pawn is called “En-passant”.

The pawn cannot move backwards. So move the pawn carefully because once the pawn enters the opponent’s area alone, it cannot be saved.

  • Pawn Promotion

When the pawn goes to its last rank while moving, then any piece other than the pawn and the king can replace the pawn and it is called a pawn promotion. This is a special move in chess.

  • Castling

Castling is the only special move where both the king and the rook are moved together. Here the King is moved two squares towards the Rook on the same rank and the Rook is placed on the opposite side of the King on the same rank. This is called castling. This is done for the King’s safety.

Castling King’s side or short side notation is O-O

Castling Quing’s side or long side notation is O-O-O

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