Chess Guideline Step by Step

Chess Pieces

Chess pieces are the materials used to play chess on the chessboard.

No chess piece can capture its own team’s pieces. Chess pieces can only capture the opponent team’s pieces.

Chess pieces type:

There are 6 kinds of chess pieces.

  1. King
  2. Queen
  3. Rook
  4. Bishop
  5. Knight
  6. Pawn

Chess Pieces Value & Symbols Chart


White Black Piece Name Value Symbol
1 King


2 Queen



3 Rook



4 Bishop



5 Knight



6 Pawn 1

Note: Here all pieces value is book value. But the real value is different.


The King’s symbol is K. Its value is unlimited. We play chess to save the king. Suppose the king cannot be saved when the opponent’s pieces attack the king. Then that is called checkmate i.e. losing the game. A chess player may think of the king as his symbol because he loses if his king is a checkmate.

The chessboard has two Kings. Both sides have a king on the chessboard. One is light color king and the other is dark color king.


The Queen symbol is Q. The Value is 9 points. This is the most powerful piece in all the chess pieces.

The chessboard has two Queens. Both sides player have a Queen on the chessboard. One is a light-colour Queen and the other is a dark-colour Queen.


The Rook symbol is R. The Rook is worth 5 points.  It is the 2nd valuable piece on the chess board.

The chessboard has 4 rooks. Both sides player have two Rooks on the chessboard. Two are light-colour Rooks and the other two are dark colour Rooks.


The Bishop symbol is B & value is 3 points. The chessboard has 2 Bishops for each player. It is the 3rd valuable piece.

The chessboard has 4 Bishops. Both sides player have two Bishops on the chessboard. Two are light-colour Bishops and the other two are dark-colour Bishops.


The Knight symbol is N & value is 3 points. The chessboard has 2 Knights for each player. It is the 3rd valuable piece.

The chessboard has 4 Knights. Both sides player have two Knights on the chessboard. Two are light-colour Knights and the other two are dark-colour Knights.


The pawn has no symbol and is worth 1 point. The chessboard has 8 pawns for each player. This is the 4th precious piece. It is the smallest piece in chess. But if it can go to the last rank then it is promoted. Then it can be promoted to any piece except king & pawn. This is the special advantage of the pawn.

The chessboard has 16 Pawns. Both sides player have 8 Pawns on the chessboard.     Eight are light-colour Pawns and the other Eight are dark-colour Pawns.

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